Archive| June, 2015

Mayorship is Back on Swarm!

Mayorship is Back on Swarm!

22.06.2015 |

After Foursquare and Swarm decided to go their separate ways, the popular mayorship system got abandoned. Instead, users embraced badge collection and check-in visibility. And now… Mayorship is back on Swarm! So, let the mayorship wars begin! Swarm had been counting total check-ins for the past few weeks. So after the latest update, the new […] READ MORE  

Twitter Rolls Out Video Autoplay

Twitter Rolls Out Video Autoplay

17.06.2015 |

Twitter finally embraced autoplay for videos and GIFs. In a recent blog post, the company announced that as users scroll through Tweets they will now see muted video content. Clicked videos will play on a new screen. Brands will be eager to use this feature for sponsored content. Twitter also clarified certain issues for interested […] READ MORE  

Introducing “Facebook Moments”…

Introducing “Facebook Moments”…

15.06.2015 |

Facebook introduced Moments, a new mobile app that serves as a free and private space for sharing photos with friends. Moments uses Facebook’s face recognition feature to suggest with whom you might want to share your photos. Using a simplistic design, it keeps photo sharing simple and private, while giving you the easy breezy option of instantly publishing your […] READ MORE  

Oculus Rift Ships in 2016

Oculus Rift Ships in 2016

11.06.2015 |

Oculus unveiled the commercial version of the Rift in this month’s E3 event. Acquired by Facebook for 2 billion dollars in March 2014, virtual reality technology company Oculus VR has been working ways to change the way we play games. Debuting on Kickstarter in 2012, the Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles project is finally heading to completion and will be in customers’ […] READ MORE  

Instagram Gets a Cleaner Web Design

Instagram Gets a Cleaner Web Design

09.06.2015 |

Time has come at Instagram for a face lift… Or rather a flat design revamp! Instagram recently announced on its Twitter page that it has redesigned its web look for a cleaner and faster viewing experience. Coming this week on web: We’ve redesigned Instagram profiles, feeds and hashtag pages to be cleaner and faster. […] READ MORE  

A Lighter Way to Facebook

A Lighter Way to Facebook

04.06.2015 |

Facebook has announced Facebook Lite, a less data consuming version of Facebook for Android devices. Facebook Lite adapts to different network conditions including 2G. By keeping the app efficient in slow or unstable connections, it maintains a fast reaction time. This is will be particularly useful in areas where 3G or 4G connections are unavailable. Requiring […] READ MORE